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The name of the person who created Fantage is Daryl Fantage. his last name is also Fantage It was made in 2008!

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Q: What are the Fantage names of the people who created Fantage?
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When was Fantage created?

Fantage was released on April 2008. I actually didn't know when was fantage created. I think it is 2008 if I am not wrong?

Civic princess on Fantage?

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What famous people go on Fantage?

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Why was Fantage created?

cuz ppl can have fun and fantage can earn money

Who is red ninja on Fantage?

He is a famous fantagian. He has an extremely high level about 1600.Most people say he has created fantage~His phds with civic_princess + they are so famous people POSE as them ( not very nice )!He rarely goes on fantage now but he usually hangs on White Seal server.

Where can i find a bakery in fantage?

There are no bakeries on Fantage, people!!

Who are the band member of the newsgirls on Fantage?

who are the band people on fantage

Who are the people that are famous on fantage?

You need to look on Hall of fame on fantage. That is were all the famous people are right now.

Will fantage put out an app?

It's 2011, Fantage has created an app caled bullseyes. You can gain stars and stuff.

What are good names for Fantage?

Sunshine_675 or Smiley_900 those are great names if you wanna go hardcore put sunny_babe22