have the same lag i have a non solution
the lag is controled by the type of computer and the amount of space that your computer has! Also in your games you can add anti-lag scripts that will help do that, to add that either make one or get one from free-models!
You can get banned for using a lag switch. I reccomend playing the game clean, anyone can cheat.
well my freinds i cant spell 4 my life so try to figure it out calibrateing lag is easy all you need ti do is go to the calibrate lag option on options
it makes your player lag so it makes it harder to aim, shoot, run, throw a grenade straight; basicly it makes everything harder by lagging. Trust me, I've gotten lag switch'd once.
I can't recall whether any cultural lag even exist in Bangladesh. FYI even beggars in Bangladesh use cellular phones.
Cultural Lag
Terry Shivo Cryogenics
cultural lag
Inverse definite minimum time lag relay
The sociologist responsible for coining the term cultural lag was William F. Ogburn. He used this term to describe the phenomenon where technological advancements outpace changes in societal norms and values, leading to social problems and conflicts.
This nothing but forward and reverse recording... nothing but bidirectional meters
William Fielding Ogburn introduced the concept of culture lag to sociology. He used this term to describe the idea that technological advancements often outpace societal and cultural norms, leading to a period of adjustment.
Inside lag is the time to implement (pass) a policy, while outside lag is the time it needs to take effect.
A destination based on a particular lifestyle or if said place has a rich history or tradition.
An environment is the cultural conditions surrounding an individual. The nature of an area makes up the environment.