well it can be any thing it should say on your birth certificate for your katsuma
Each monster is different. Take your monster shopping at the Gross-ery store and buy food. Your monster will say something positive (such as "Yummy") if you choose a food it likes. Also, when you feed a food to your monster, you can check to see how many health points it adds. The more points it adds, the better your monster likes that food.
Ikes favourite food is Chicken!!!
Mice Crispies
Zommers favourite food is Sludge Fudge and Scummi Bears
Moshlings do not need to be fed. Only your Monster will take food and drink you buy for it.
This is a matter of opinion. Contributors have said: Yes, Katsumas are cute but mischievous but could be the best. Katsumas are popular amongst people. A lot of Katsumas are adopted, so Katsumas are the best.
i think it mite be katsuma crunch my moshi monster loves it
Katsumas like to do a lot of things... it depends on what your katsuma needs. Katsumas love Katsuma Crunch-that is like a ceral for katsuma... they like dressing up, too!
what is Eddie irvine's favourite food
what is the favourite food of sylvester stallone
Reece's favourite food is Sushi and Fish and Chips! :)
Her favourite food is french toast.
my favourite food is
Willow smiths favourite food is cheese pizza
Ronan Parkes Favourite food is pizza
in katsumas klothes