Regicide would be the specific term for killing a king. Assassination would also be appropriate for killing of any important figure, not just a king.
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
I person hired to kill or murder someone is called an asasson :)
You shoot him with starfish and kill the shadow fish.
kiss, keep, keel, kill, kind Kick, kite, kelp. If plurals count: kids, kits. King Kong!
It is called a Unagi And the King of Them Is Mega Unagi
It's still called regicide
because they were jealous of him and he called himself king of the jews so the king did not want another king
It is a lion that is why it is called lion king. You should watch it is my favorite movie. it is great but do not watch 2 and a half.
I wouldn't know, there's a knot in my brain. king or kill. king or kill. king kill king kill
To Kill a King was created in 2003.
King of the Kill was created in 1994.
The duration of To Kill a King is 1.7 hours.
No. King James did not kill Mary Queen of Scots.
kill the king
Which king Richard?
Macbeth felt he had to kill the king's servants as they may have possibly figured out that it was him who killed the king. He then tells others he had to kill them as they had killed the king.
what a stupid question you capture a king!