You need to hit those pinecone things that are hanging from the land. after that you gotta kill the shadow creature inside of deadwood
With great difficulty. Basically you have to shoot the acorns three times each and then shoot the blob-like thing that appears.
Do you need the Flip?? No, you ground bounce in Frostwind's head after you outrun him. Shoot alot of snowballs. Don't worry, Heather, in the cage, will throw you snowballs and hearts after you outrun Frostwind.
i am not giving away the game. the raposa will give you some hints. . . especially Samuel. . .
i think you kill all of those shadow-fish that come out of his hat. i haven't beaten it yet, but he's lost some energy when i did it. i think so to i have not beat him ether HES HARD k bye
angler fish up the butt
Look for online walkthroughs, it always helps.
well, you have to beat wilfre in the ds version but you have to destroy a monstor in the wii version
See the related link for pictures of Angler Fish.
He beat the Philistines one time when was the king but he beat the philistines two times in King Saul's days. That makes it three times in his life.
The Angler fish can be found in the DEEP SEA mostly in the Atlantic or Antarctic Oceans.
you jump on the highest baki ghost that comes and bounce on bakibeards head
ask a friend to help you find some cheats
drawn to life is awesome