They're both the Versus seeker. Doesn't matter which hand you choose, they're the same thing.
from dawn ( choose right hand )
go to mount cornet on rt 207 and Dawn/Lucas walks up choose the left hand and she givces it to u
The white flute I think attracts Pokemon. Later in the game you can also receive a black flute. The black flute on the other hand repels Pokemon.
In regards to PKMN Platinum, Porygon cannot be found in the wild. Porygon can, however, be obtained as a gift from a NPC in Veilstone City (house top right of Pokémon Center). Snorunt, on the other hand, can be found on Route 217, Lake Acuity, and Lake Acuity Lakefront.t
next to the Pokemon centre in hearthome city a girl will hand you one also you can get porygon in a house behind the poke centre in veilestone. GOOD LOOK
from dawn ( choose right hand )
go to mount cornet on rt 207 and Dawn/Lucas walks up choose the left hand and she givces it to u
The Move Remover (or Deleter) is in Canalave City on the right hand side of the city.
You don't need one, you just need to get the Vs. Seeker. You get that from Dawn after you beat the Eterna City gym and you're going to go through Mt. Coronet to Hearthome City. Choose the right hand and you'll get the Vs. Seeker.
i don't know if off hand but go to and search Pokemon platinum under saves and codes and it will show you the id #. (very short...)
Talk to Dawn i forgot when some where near mount coronort choose right hand don't blame me if you got it wrong it was on the net
right after you pick the right or left hand
go to canalave city and go into the house on the right hand side and in the middle there is a house go into the house and talk to the man
In the Pokemon Centre located in Eterna City, a girl on the right hand side will give you the Poketch app "Friendship Checker" when you talk to her. To use it, simply tap and hold on the pokemon you wish to check. Maximum friendship is depicted by 2 hearts which grow bigger after a second.
The white flute I think attracts Pokemon. Later in the game you can also receive a black flute. The black flute on the other hand repels Pokemon.
Gts is in the top right hand of the pokemon center
you will have to delete it and enter the codes by hand. i know cause i had to do it. it will take a while though.