next to the Pokemon centre in hearthome city a girl will hand you one also you can get porygon in a house behind the poke centre in veilestone. GOOD LOOK
in kq
to get a leafeon in Pokemon platinum, you need to have an eevee and then at any lvl you have to use a leaf stone!
a lady in a house next to the Pokemon center will give you an eevee
The trainer Skier Lexi on Route 217 has Eevee's evolution in Pokemon Platinum. The trainers on Route 212 and 214 also have Eevee.
sinnoh pokedex: #163 is eevee. you can find eevee in Mr.Backlot's garden. (depending on the Pokemon of the day) National dex: #133 is octillery. i don't know where to find it. Sorry!
in kq
You can find stones undergrounds.
Get an Eevee and level it up in the Eterna Forest.
to get a leafeon in Pokemon platinum, you need to have an eevee and then at any lvl you have to use a leaf stone!
Evolve Eevee (maxed out happiness in the night)
a lady in a house next to the Pokemon center will give you an eevee
The trainer Skier Lexi on Route 217 has Eevee's evolution in Pokemon Platinum. The trainers on Route 212 and 214 also have Eevee.
in trophy garden after getting nat. dex
sinnoh pokedex: #163 is eevee. you can find eevee in Mr.Backlot's garden. (depending on the Pokemon of the day) National dex: #133 is octillery. i don't know where to find it. Sorry!
You have to find a Ditto and put it in the daycare centre with an eevee or one of it's evolvee's to get eevee eggs :)
no, you have to evolve it from an eevee at the icy rock that is on route 217