In regards to PKMN Platinum, Porygon cannot be found in the wild. Porygon can, however, be obtained as a gift from a NPC in Veilstone City (house top right of Pokémon Center). Snorunt, on the other hand, can be found on Route 217, Lake Acuity, and Lake Acuity Lakefront.t
In veilston city behind the Pokemon center in that house that man gives you a porygon
Route 217, Acuity Lakefront, Lake Acuity (Night only). Listed as 'uncommon'.
no you cant. you catch spheal in Pokemon sapphire and snorunt in Pokemon ruby.
You can talk to a man in Veilistone city. His house is the first one to the left of the team galactic building.
You can find and win an unlimitd amount of Porygon in the Celadon Game Center.
you cant find a porygon ,you can find it in Pokemon pearl or on platinum
NO! you will never find snorunt in shoal cave(except using cheats.!)
you must trad a porygon holding an up-grade
In veilston city behind the Pokemon center in that house that man gives you a porygon
you can find a snorunt on route 217 acuity lakefront or lake acutiry but only at night its rare too
in Veilstone I think, a guy will give you a Porygon for free it should be in the 20's
go to veilstone city. the house behind the pokemon center will give him to you
Link trade Porygone while it holds the Up-Grade
In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Snorunt can be found in the Ice Room of Shoal Cave. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, you can find it in Route 216, Route 217, and Acuity Lakefront using the Poke Radar. (However, in Pokemon Platinum, you just have to walk in the Tall Grass.)
evolve porygon from veilstone city
Go to Veilstone city and go into the house directly above the Pokemon center talk to the man and he will give you a porygon (MUST HAVE ONE FREE SLOT OPEN)
in Veilstone city the house above the town center talk to the bold guy