The Pokemon Lab is located on Cinnabar Island, west of the Pokemon Center.
You take it to the Pokemon Lab on Cinnabar Island, a scientist there will make it into a Aerodactyl.
You cannot catch Shaymin in Pokemon Black or White. You'll need to trade for it from the GTS or transfer it from the Transfer Lab.
Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, Heart Gold, Soul Silver and you can trade with Pokemon black/white. You have to complete the game and go to some lab with these scientists. ^ yeah, its called the PokeTransfer lab, but you cant get to it until youve beaten ghestis and stuff iits on the route after black city/white forest.
In the game Pokemon Yellow you have to beat the leader of gym seven in order to win the Volcano Badge. The leader of this gym is named Blaine and he specializes in fire type Pokemon. To enter this gym you first have to get the secret key. This key is located in the building across from the lab.
The Pokemon Lab is located on Cinnabar Island, west of the Pokemon Center.
Pikachu is the starter Pokemon for Pokemon Yellow. You get he/she at Professor Oak's Lab in Pallet Town.
prof. junipers lab
You take it to the Pokemon Lab on Cinnabar Island, a scientist there will make it into a Aerodactyl.
you first beat red at mt silver then proffeser oak will call if he dosent just go to his lab he will offer starters
you don't really get oak's rare Pokemon but you can trade with friends. good luck Pokemon trainer ;P
You need to transfer it into the Transfer Lab or trade for it. It cannot be caught in the wild.
You need to have the "Poke Transfer Lab" After you win all 8 badges and all cities , it is a spot on the map called "Poke Transfer Lab" , Go To there and transfer they.Hope I Helped =)Biblioteca13
where is the pokemon transfer lab in heartgold
yellow lab is cuter and better
Brawly's gym is the house on the beach under Ivy's lab, at least in my game.