At the very end of the tunnel is the legendary Pokemon Heatran. It is level 70, but is not the strongest of the legendaries. With an 8% catch rate you will need about 50-100 ultra balls to be sure of capture and some 60-90 level strong Pokemon. Good luck on capture and hope this helped!
At Stark Mountain At The Battle Zone.
stark mountain
i think it is called stark mountain and it is also in Pokemon platinum
Go to the fight area duting the weekend or Mount Stark in the week and he will be there to battle with you. he'll have 6 Pokemon so be ready.
Route 227 and Stark Mountain with pokeradar
You can find Cyndaquil at Mount Stark on Pokemon Diamond.
Route 227 and on Stark Mount. when you use the Poke-Radar. P.S. It is spelled Torkoal!
TRAVEL TO MOUNT STARK! go to for legendary locations and more.
Stark Mountain
Stark moutain
Stark Mountain does not exist in Pokemon Yellow. It is only found in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum
you get him in stark mountain then try and catch him
* * * * * *
you get him at stark montuins after getting dialga
at the top at the top
you dont you dont
he is in stark mountin and route 228