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fire is one of the most effective thing against ice pokemon. fighting is also a really good one to use. there also is rock as one, steel as another. ice is not very effective. and all the others are regular

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13y ago

Electric, so use electric. NEVER use fire cuz its not good (im like a Pokemon nerd trust me)


Uhm no... I disagree with the above post. Electric does normal damage to ice-type pokémon, while Fire does twice as much damage.

The above post probably gave that advice thinking of the water-type that usually goes hand in hand with ice-types. And in that case, yes, Electric is better against water than Fire is. Good work figuring that out, you pokémon nerd, you.

But anyway, the best types of attacks to use against ice-types are Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel.

And the best attacks to use against water-types are Electric and Grass.

-- A better Pokémon nerd

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