Flint and steel is used to start fires and can also be a source of griefing, especially on servers. They are also used to light Nether portals.
Flint and steel are in the "Tools" section of the Creative inventory.
Craft one flint with an iron ingot( think about the name
you craft it with stee ingots to make a flint and steel which makes fire.
It is impossible to get flint and steel in creative mode on Pocket Editions unless you have a mod.
right click on it with flint and steel or power it with redstone
flint and steel it is used to light fires
flint and steel use it to detonate tnt ^.^
Flint and steel are in the "Tools" section of the Creative inventory.
Get 12 obsidian and make a rectangle out if it and make sure you have flint & steel and get your flint & steel and tap your flint & steel on the portal.
there is no steel you can craft flint and steel though
by making it
Craft one flint with an iron ingot( think about the name
you craft it with stee ingots to make a flint and steel which makes fire.
The get to the Nether in minecraft, you need at least 10 obsidian and a flint and steel. You need to make a Nether Portal, a 4x5 portal, and set it alight with the flint and steel.
right click
steel is really iron in the game they don't say flint and iron they say flint and steel because steel sounds better.
It is impossible to get flint and steel in creative mode on Pocket Editions unless you have a mod.