An item that evolves Electabuzz into Electivire when Electabuzz is traded while holding it.
Elekids normally hold it
find an elekid and you have a 50% chance it will be holding an electirizer.
you find it bihind the bloody focking valley windworks
You go out and buy an Action Replay or you can make an Electabuzz hold Electirizer and trade the Electabuzz. Wild Electabuzz and Elekid can sometimes be found holding an Electirizer in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You will need to use the move Trick (or a similar item-stealing move) or catch these Pokemon to get an Electirizer.
It evolves into Electabuzz at level 30 and into Electivire if you trade electabuzz holding the Electirizer. You get the Electirizer by catching an elekid on diamond and pearl but you must have a Pokemon firered game in the gba slot or you can get it at valley windworks on Pokemon platinum or cerulean cave in kanto on heart gold and soul silver. If your still confused check out this site/
An electirizer is for to evolve a electbuzz to a electivire
There is an Electirizer at the Valley Windworks.
Elekids normally hold it
Pokemon wit electirizer on other game must trade ten get the item of the trated Pokemon e vaila item on platinum.
The Electirizer can be found on some wild Electabuzz and behind Valley Windworks (requires Surf)
When you give it to Electabuzz to hold and trade it, it will evolve into Electivire
If an Electabuzz holds it when traded, it will evolve into Electrive.
You have to make it hold the item ELECTIRIZER and trade it.
find an elekid and you have a 50% chance it will be holding an electirizer.
you find it bihind the bloody focking valley windworks
You go out and buy an Action Replay or you can make an Electabuzz hold Electirizer and trade the Electabuzz. Wild Electabuzz and Elekid can sometimes be found holding an Electirizer in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. You will need to use the move Trick (or a similar item-stealing move) or catch these Pokemon to get an Electirizer.
You make it hold an Electirizer and trade it and hopefully you get it back. A wild Elekid may hold an Electirizer in battle so if you catch it, it's yours to keep!