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It can help raise/lower certain stats. Like wiki poffins raise the beauty stat. They help your Pokemon win certain contests, too.

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Q: What is does a poffin do to your Pokemon?
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In Pokemon platinum if you feed your Pokemon a poffin and then enter a contest do the effects of it work for more contests or do you have to feed it another poffin?

When a Pokémon is fed a Poffin, the Poffin's effects are permanent.

How do you raise toughness in Pokemon Diamond?

feed it a sour poffin, you can get a poffin case in the Pokemon fan club.then make poffins at the poffin house.

What Pokemon has no preferences of poffin type?

Every Pokemon has a type of poffin that they like, if that's what you mean. The creators just find out what poffin goes with the Pokemon's moves and makes it like that kind.

Where do you get happiness poffin in Pokemon pearl?

You make poffins at the Poffin House at Hearthome city.

Where do you get a poffin case in Pokemon Platinum?

Pokemon fan club

How do you make poffins in Pokemon platinum?

The Poffin maker's house, it is left from the Pokemart in Hearthome City and ask the lady in front of the Poffin Maker. If you need a poffin case go to the Pokemon Fan Club and talk to the old man at the couch.

Who gives you the golden poffin in Pokemon Platinum?


What is a Mild Poffin?

a mild poffin is a mixture of every flavor so when you use it on a Pokemon all of its stats go up.

Where make poffins on Pokemon diamond?

if you have a poffin case go to Harthome city and go into the house south of the Pokemon center talk to the lady by the pot and answer her questions. to get the poffin case go to the house to the right of there and talk to the guy he will give you the poffin case.

How do you make a bitter poffin on Pokemon pearl?

go to hearthome city and go to the poffin house and start cooking with a bitter berry.

Where do you find a poffin shop in Pokemon platinum?

Hearthome City.

Where do you get a poffin case on Pokemon Platinum?

In the Pokemon Fan Club, in Hearthome City.