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The Poffin maker's house, it is left from the Pokemart in Hearthome City and ask the lady in front of the Poffin Maker.

If you need a poffin case go to the Pokemon Fan Club and talk to the old man at the couch.

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Q: How do you make poffins in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get a Pokemon to like you in Pokemon Platinum?

By giving it poffins it likes. You can make poffins in the poffin House. It is in the town you get eevee.

What is a good way to make your Pokemon happy on Pokemon platinum?

You should give them poffins to evolve a riolu which you get on iron island. Hope that helped. PS. you make poffins in hearthome city in a house.

How do you get happiness in Pokemon Platinum?

you have to move around with the Pokemon that you want to make happy in the first in the party. You can also feed Poffins or berries.

How do you make Pokemon like you more in platinum?

to get Pokemon to like you you just train them and give them poffins and if they let you walk them in amity square

Are there any Pokemon platinum UK action replay codes to make lv 99 poffins?

no because you have to find them

How does riolu elove in Pokemon platinum?

feed it poffins, battle with it alot,

Can you make poffins in Pokemon White?

no you can't make poffins in pokemon white or black i couldnt find any of the stuff to do it

In Pokemon Sapphire where do you make poffins?

You cannot make poffins in Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald but you can make pokeblocks at contest centers

AR code for Lv99 poffins in Pokemon platinum?


Were can you find a berry blender in Pokemon in platinum?

there isn't a berry blender in Pokemon platinum sadly. but instead of making pokeblocks you make poffins in hearthome city just look for a house near the Pokemon fanclub that says some thing like poffin maker place.

Can you make poffins in Pokemon HeartGold?

No you cannot sorry

How do you make poffins in Pokemon black?

I don't think you can.