No. To obtain poffins you have to make them yourself in Hearthome City in the Poffin House.
You can't!
If you meen Poffins then its at Hearthome City
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
you can't but you can make poffins Poffins in diamond and pearl replace what used to be pokeblock.
You can't buy them you have to make your own.
You can't!
u cant get Pokemon food u need to make poffins
If you meen Poffins then its at Hearthome City
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
you can't but you can make poffins Poffins in diamond and pearl replace what used to be pokeblock.
at the poffin house in hearthome city
You can't buy them you have to make your own.
Yes.but the stats wont go up if you do.
you need to raise the feebases beaty as high as possible with poffins
_______________________________________________________________________ Sorry dude. I don't think that kind of code is out there. _______________________________________________________________________
You could give it a soothe bell, feed it its favorite poffins, etc. . Just the usual, i guess