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Q: What is an interlude during a play called?
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What is a dramatic interlude?

A dramatic interlude is a short play performed during the breaks of a longer play.

How to use a sentence with the word interlude?

She had a fight with her boyfriend during the interlude of that play.

What is the word for interlude during a play?

Entracte. French word.

Is Interludes a form of the middle ages?

The term interlude can be applied to a short play designed to be performed between other events, or to a morality play. These were forms in use during the Middle Ages. The term interlude can also be applied to music. I have not heard it applied to medieval music.

What does interlude mean?

Jimmy interposed on John and Sara's conversation, to stop a secret from escaping.

What does the prefix lud mean?

"lud"... to play. Ex. interlude... allude...

What is a funny scene used to break up tension in a play?

A scene that is meant to ease the tension in a serious play is called comic relief. It is a humorous interlude that is often used in tragic plays.

If there's a prelude and an interlude why isn't there an epilude?

There is, except its called postlude.

What is the song playing at the end of ginuwine's none of your friends business interlude?

Genuine is a famous R&B singer. The song playing at the interlude of non of your friends business is called Pony.

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word 'interlude'?

i interlude

When was Blue Interlude created?

Blue Interlude was created in 1991.

When was A Mere Interlude created?

A Mere Interlude was created in 1885.