something you can interact with, for example Nintendo wii you can move around and it senses it, also playstation move and kinect. You can also toggle settings on them like security who plays it what age group and so on. Personally i prefer PS3 to XBOX. I have both but play the PS3 more
PS3 Better grahpics and hi def, blu ray
XBOX wider variety of games, better gameplay, better servers
Yes like GameStop and game shops can fix you controller
it wasnt a controller, it was a tingy with buttons
the first Nancy drew game is Secrets Can was made by her interactive .Her interactive recently remastered this game. to play it go to
There are game bundles that come with a controller or vice verse. Both are also sold separately
Controller... its not actually a rock band type game.
Proactive means to plan ahead of time in anticipation of an upcoming event. Interactive is something you can touch and manipulate, such as a computer game that you play using a mouse or controller.
Game Factory Interactive was created in 2003.
There is not a game controller that is compatible with the Rosen AV 7500 IR game controller. You need a Rosen AV 7500 IR game controller in order to use the game.
you plug a dongle into your ps3
every game for the xbox is interactive
Interactive is an adjective; it generally describes a noun, as in "interactive discussion" or "interactive game."
It's not for the PS3
THe computer game controller has a 90 day warranty
Yes there is a wireless version of the game controller
You must purchase a Mac compatible game controller
Not on a game that was designed for only the move controller
Yes like GameStop and game shops can fix you controller