There are a few: # Par-don (pahr-dn) N. A release from a penalty of offense. # Im-pu-ni-ty (im-pyoo-ni-tee) N. Exemption from punishment. # Re-mit (ri-mit) V. To refrain from inflicting or enforcing, as a punishment, sentence, etc. Of course there are more but these are the best ones I could find.
i do not have that in my database, no dusknoir cannot learn punishment.
For now, it is... what is the word... delayed!
An apology
In some words, like capitol, it means 'head'. From Latin 'caput'. In a phrase like 'capital punishment', it denotes the highest form of punishment, just as capitol denotes the 'head' city.
To excuse, or forgive, or release from punishment
The antonym of the word punishment is reward.
to excuse or forgive, release from punishment
The Punishment - 1917 was released on: USA: 15 July 1917 (re-release)
The Esperanto words for crime and punishment are krimo and puno.
the word is Reprieve
The noun "punishment" is derived from the verb "punish".
The abstract noun forms of the verb to punish are punishment and the gerund, punishing.
No, the Holocaust was about extermination, not punishment. The word punishment suggests that the victims were wrong-doers and were guilty of a crime.
The Punishment - 1912 was released on: USA: 4 April 1912
The word "penalty" comes from the Latin word "poena," which means punishment.