In some words, like capitol, it means 'head'. From Latin 'caput'. In a phrase like 'capital punishment', it denotes the highest form of punishment, just as capitol denotes the 'head' city.
capture-meaning take away
The prefix mal means bad or evil.
Biannual means twice a year.
Bad, badly, wrong, wrongly
The prefix "cap" means to take or seize, as seen in words like capture (take or catch) and capable (able to seize or achieve).
The prefix of "capture" is "cap-".
The prefix of capacity is "cap-".
The prefix "cap" typically means "to take" or "to seize." For example, the word "capture" means to take or seize control of something.
The Latin root of the word incapable is capabilis from capere (to take). This provides the root -cap- and the suffix -able (suited for). The prefix in- usually means "not".Prefix, root, and suffix are in-cap-able(not suited for, i.e. not capable of doing something)
capture-meaning take away
what does the prefix polo mean
The prefix ap- mean to or toward. One word with this prefix is appetite.
what does the prefix cri mean as in crisis
there isnt one. prefixes are words prefounded, the pre is a PREfixe. pre means before.