A toy code is something that is on a toy, it sometimes gives you access to a exclusive online club.
Club penguin hasreleased their new toys when we buy the toys we get a code. that code is used in treasure book 1 code unlock 2 items the toy is for 10.99$ only .
You have to buy a Moshi Monsters Talking Plush toy to get a code for a monster clock. Each code can be used only one time, so you have to buy your own toy to get a code.
in the computer
u have 2 buy the deady toy and look on the tag and there will be ur code then enter ur code and then you'll be able to get deady in the book of lore :D
You need to buy a toy to get the code!
you need a toy code you can get the toy code by buying it in real
get a code for a toy
you look on the tag of the toy and it will say the promo code for poptripica and the membership code i think
Each code is different. You have to buy your own General Fuzuki soft toy (plushie) to get a code.
a toy code is a code u get from like toys r us and stuff and u get a little pic of the item and when u put that code in u unlock that item A Toy Code is a toy what u get off a teddy/mix n match figure to unlock items online
The code for the kissy toy is: FIZZING Have a wonderful Moshi life! :D
you buy a toy and there will be a code on the box
The only way to get a ty girlz toy code is to buy a ty girlz toy.
Go to cpcheats dot com and click on "cp toy code generator."
By the toy from HeroMart, and it comes with the code
there is no code for mcworld you have to get a happy meal toy