Pass scarf is a item that lets the holder to pass the attacks or effect of moves to effect the Pokemon next to it. It can even pass on those effects to attacker itself unless the attack was used from far range. But whenever the effect of pass scarf activates, the holder's belly goes down.
im not so sure... but i think that when u go to the Pokemon fan club in slateport city and talk to one person, ur first Pokemon in ur list should be good in beauty contests for blue scarf, smart for green scarf, cute for pink scarf, cool for red scarf, and tough for yellow scarf. or at least that's kinda how it is in ruby and sapphire, except that they can only get one scarf.
You get the Silk Scarf on Pokemon Emerald in a house in Dewford Town.A Man gives it to you in there. When held by a Pokemon,the Silk Scarf raises the power of its Normal-Type Moves.
To get the Pink Scarf, you must win a master rank cute contest
I Forgot but you can go to youtube and type in who owns the lost scarf in clubpenguin elite force.
You can buy this at the Kecleon shop in the town
i just wore a scarf, and a jumper and they let me pass! pls add me: 070beetle187
LISTEN i don't know it but i know how be virtually invinceable! ok first1 get a Pokemon that knows rest(this will help when your belly is empty ) have a pass scarf 4.the pass scarf will inflict damage ment for you on other foes!!!!:) hope this helped bye!!!
He wrapped the scarf around himself.I found a scarf on the street.She loved her handmade scarf.
I think it makes all items thrown at you not give damage
No, the word scarf is a noun. The pronoun for the antecedent scarf is 'it' in the singular and 'they' or 'them' in the plural. The word scarf is also a verb, to cover or drape with a scarf.
A snake scarf can also be known as a serpent scarf or a reptile scarf.
Pass Scarves can be found in Zero Isle North, Zero Isle South, Zero Isle East, and Zero Isle West.
A long thin scarf is typically called a "scarf" or a "skinny scarf".
a book about a scarf
A single scarf is simply spelled scarf. The plural form is scarves.