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I Forgot but you can go to YouTube and type in who owns the lost scarf in clubpenguin elite force.

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Q: Who owns the lost scarf in club penguin elite force?
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Where do you deliver the scarf to on club penguin elite penguin force?

you diliver the scarf to the sport shop .First you talk to the shop keeper and then he will ask you to to lift the cobord. Once you have done that there will be a nother penguin in the sport shop and that is penguin you give the scarf to.I thought t was trickey as well .Hope this helps.

Where is the penguin with a guitar in Club Penguin elite penguin force?

in the lighthouse

What if your game Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force has a code but its pre-owned where is the code?

cheak the code on the elite penguin force herbets revenge on the paper with a penguin

Find the owner of the missing scarf club penguin elite fource game?

1. Go to the On Elite Penguin Force DS game who owns the lost scarf Hill and get the red scarf. 2. Go to the Sport Shop and On Elite Penguin Force DS game who owns the lost scarf to the guy at the counter. 3. Use Pop to lift the cabinet. 4. Go to the Plaza and talk to the pink penguin near the Pizza Parlor. 5. Go to the Iceberg. 6. When you see the little pile of snow use your Mechano Duster to clean it up. 7. I'm not sure but I think you will find a jacket. Give the On Elite Penguin Force DS game who owns the lost scarf to the penguin in the Plaza. 8. Go to the Ice Rink and use Chirp (that is the yellow puffle) to break the ice on the On Elite Penguin Force DS game who owns the lost scarf Goal. 9. A pink penguin will say she is missing a scarf. 10. Give the pink penguin her scarf. 11. You will get some coins as a reward and mission complete! I have finished all the missions and now I am doing the side missions.

How do you get the elite puffle on Club Penguin?

To get the elite penguin Puffle you need to get the game Club penguin Elite penguin force Herbert's revenge and use the code that comes with it.

Related questions

What do you after you give the penguin their scarf on club penguin elite penguin force?

after you do that your done with the mission

Where is the penguin that owns the scarf on club penguin elite penguin force?

Go everywhere on the island asking people about it and helping them out, eventually after helping a few penguins out the scarf owner will find you and take the scarf.

How many missions are in elite penguin force?

there is 12 missions in club penguin elite penguin force. 1O in club penguin elite penguin force herberts revenge

Tips Club Penguin elite penguin force?

dunno. someone may give a better answer. what is club penguin elite penguin force? search the internet for club penguin elite penguin force cheats and tips and you may find something

How do you dress in Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force?

You have to be a member to dress Elite Force!

On Club Penguin what does epf stand for?

On Club Penguin EPF stands for Elite Penguin Force. The Elite Penguin Force is Club Penguin's secret agent squad. Answered by the penguin: Jellyfish33

Can you get the clothes from Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force to Club Penguin?

you have to be a member

On Club Penguin what does epf mean?

On Club Penguin the term, "EPF" means Elite Penguin Force. The Elite Penguin Force is Club Penguin's secret agent squad. Answered by the penguin: Jellyfish33

In club penguin elite penguin force what do you need to do for the sport shop guy to do the scarf thing?

You need to use pop( the purple puffle) to lift up to broken wordrobe and you will find the penguin with the missing scarf right after you do the other thing

On Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force do you get a membersip?


What is the ESP for on Club Penguin?

elite penguin force

How do you get codes from Club Penguin elite penguin force?

By buying things from club penguin.