There are various Pokemon shippings some that involves the anime and some that involves the games.
For anime shippings they are as follows:
PokeShipping which is Ash and Misty, AdvanceShipping which is Ash and May, PearlShipping which is Ash and Dawn, AmourShipping whhich is Ash and Serena, NegaiShipping which is Ash and Iris, WishfulShipping which is Cilan and Iris, RocketShipping which is Jessie and James, PalletShipping which is Ash and Gary, LuckyShipping which is Brock and Lucy, ElderShipping which is Professor Oak and Delia, ContestShipping which involves May and Drew, AppealShipping which involves Dawn and Zoey, AllfShipping which is Ash and Max, AnnemaeShipping which is Iris and Dawn, DebateShipping which is Tracey and Max, GreeneyeShipping which is James and Misty, GandumSeiyuuShipping or GundamShipping which is James and Cilan, MasumiShipping which is Max and Misty, OpticShipping which involves Brock and Cilan, SavantShipping which is Cilan and Dawn, AgainstShipping which is Paul and Zoey, BadTasteShipping which involves Ash and Burgundy, BugShipping that involves May and Forrest Franklin, ContestCatShipping that involves Lila and Johanna, DiamondDragonShippingthat involves Stephan and Iris, EgoShipping which is Gary and Misty, FireworksShipping which is Norman and Nurse Joy, GaiShipping which is Gardenia and Cheryl, GoggleShipping which is Ash and Giselle, James and Gardenia's ship name is GrassShipping, May and Zoey's ship name is HueShipping, IndigoShippin is Richie and Misty, LilacShipping is Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, MustardShipping is Ash and Stephan and PersShipping is Cilan and Stephan.
Other shippings (anime and game shippings) would include as follows:
Cynthia x Paul [WhiteTruthShipping],
Cyrus x Dawn [Akatsukishipping],
Gold x Whitney [AccidentalShipping],
Barry x Dawn [TwinleafShipping],
Brock x Dawn [LightRockShipping],
Sabrina x Bugsy [AdvantageShipping],
Harley x May [Cookieshipping],
Lucas x Marley [VyctoreeShipping],
Red x Blue [LuckyShipping],
Roark x Gardenia [MossShipping],
Ruby x Courtney [MagmaJewelShipping],
Silver x Jasmine [IncidentalShipping],
Volkner x Pika-Girl Mehgan [SignOfWarmthShipping]
Gold x Silver [PreciousMetalShipping],
Lucian x Aaron [EliteUnderShipping],
Ash x Paul [ComaShipping],
Paul x Barry [ColdCoffeeShipping]
Red x Green [OriginalShipping]
Crystal x Yellow [SweetHeartShipping],
Cynthia x Dawn [GirlPowerShipping],
Kris x Soul [NewReplacementShipping],
Misty x May [ImageShipping]
You can find additional info at:
Pokemon shipping is the ideas of hinted couples in the Pokemon tv show. the main shippings are pokeshipping= ash and misty contestshipping= drew and may ikarishipping= paul and dawn
to get the Pokemon list go to there click on the pokedex you will find all the Pokemon there
Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").
Pokemon Restricted ListSo they can make a separate list for other Pokemons.
AnswerIn Pokemon Crystal, there are 251 Pokemon. The complete list of every Pokemon in Pokemon Crystal is as follows:BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaurCharmanderCharmeleonCharizardSquirtleWartortleBlastoiseCaterpieMetapodButterfreeWeedleKakunaBeedrillPidgeyPidgeottoPidgeotRattataRaticateSpearowFearowEkansArbokPikachuRaichuSandshrewSandslashNidoran (female)NidorinaNidoqueenNidoran (male)NidorinoNidokingClefairyClefableVulpixNinetalesJigglypuffWigglytuffZubatGolbatOddishGloomVileplumeParasParasectVenonatVenomothDiglettDugtrioMeowthPersianPsyduckGolduckMankeyPrimeapeGrowlitheArcaninePoliwagPoliwhirlPoliwrathAbraKadabraAlakazamMachopMachokeMachampBellsproutWeepinbellVictreebellTentacoolTentacruelGeodudeGravelerGolemPonytaRapidashSlowpokeSlowbroMagnemiteMagnetonFarfetch'dDoduoDodrioSeelDewgongGrimerMukShellderCloysterGastlyHaunterGengarOnixDrowzeeHypnoKrabbyKinglerVoltorbElectrodeExeggcuteExeggcutorCuboneMarowakHitmonleeHitmonchanLickitungKoffingWeezingRhyhornRhydonChanseyTangelaKangaskhanHorseaSeadraGoldeenSeakingStaryuStarmieMr. MimeScytherJynxElectabuzzMagmarPinsirTaurosMagikarpGyaradosLaprasDittoEeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareonPorygonOmanyteOmastarKabutoKabutopsAerodactylSnorlaxArticunoZapdosMoltresDratiniDragonairDragoniteMewtwoMewChikoritaBayleefMeganiumCyndaquilQuilavaTyphlosionTotodileCroconawFeraligatrSentretFurretHoothootNoctowlLedybaLedianSpinarakAriadosCrobatChinchouLanturnPichuCleffaIgglybuffTogepiTogeticNatuXatuMareepFlaaffyAmpharosBellossomMarillAzumarilSudowoodoPolitoedHoppipSkiploomJumpluffAipomSunkernSunfloraYanmaWooperQuagsireEspeonUmbreonMurkrowSlowkingMisdreavusUnownWobbuffetGirafarigPinecoForretressDunsparceGligarSteelixSnubbullGranbullQwilfishScizorShuckleHeracrossSneaselTeddiursaUrsaringSlugmaMagcargoSwinubPiloswineCorsolaRemoraidOctilleryDelibirdMantineSkarmoryHoundourHoundoomKingdraPhanpyDonphanPorygon2StantlerSmeargleTyrogueHitmontopSmoochumElekidMagbyMiltankBlisseyRaikouEnteiSuicuneLarvitarPupitarTyranitarLugiaHo-ohCelebi
There's too many to enumerate it in here.
Pokemon shipping is the ideas of hinted couples in the Pokemon tv show. the main shippings are pokeshipping= ash and misty contestshipping= drew and may ikarishipping= paul and dawn
to get the Pokemon list go to there click on the pokedex you will find all the Pokemon there
Bulbapedia has an alphabetical list (article title "List of Pokemon by Name").
The fastest and most plain way to find a list of those Pokemon is to just do a search on Google saying "List of Pokemon from Saphire"
it depends the last Pokemon on the list will be mudkip, or torchic.
yes in the glossary
Well its simply a list of all pokemon, but you can try and click on national pokedex to see every pokemon.
Pokemon Restricted ListSo they can make a separate list for other Pokemons.
In your list of items press a on the item you want them to hold then in the list of options it should say Give and then shows a list of the Pokemon in your team then press A on the Pokemon you want to give it to.
yes it does
theres a list on this