to get the Pokemon list go to there click on the pokedex you will find all the Pokemon there
To release Pokemon on Pokemon FireRed, you first must deposit the Pokemon you want to release in the computer. Then, click 'Withdraw' (this can work with 'move' too, if it is available). When you press A on a Pokemon, look at the list and you should see a 'Release' option. Choose the release option, and it will ask you if you want to release the pokemon, and if you say yes, you release the pokemon.
The following list of pokemon are catchable or obtainable in Pokemon Firered: Ekans Arbok Oddish Gloom Vileplume Psyduck Golduck Growlithe Arcanine Shellder Cloyster Scyther Electabuzz Bellossom Wooper Quagsire Murkrow Qwilfish Scizor Delibird Skarmory Elekid Deoxys (Attack Forme)* *Deoxys is an Event pokemon that can only be obtained with cheat codes and it has three forms, Attack, Defense, and Speed. The attack forme is exclusive to Firered.
You can get over 151 pokemons. Your starter off Pokemon will/could be Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander.
There are too many Pokemon to list here, please refer to the related link below. Keep in mind that version exclusive Pokemon are listed in a separate section and some of the Legendaries listed can only be caught if you received a specific event item.
in fire red and leaf green you can have the same Pokemon that you can get in Pokemon silver and gold. theres way too many to name them all it goes from bulbasour to mew theres 151 Pokemon in fire red and leaf green
A list of all the pokemon that learn rollout in 3rd gen is linked to.
Go to Google and type in [Pokemon Fire Red Pokedex list] or [Pokemon Leaf Green Pokedex list].AnswerVisit and read up to the Sinnoh Pokedex. These are all the Pokemon available in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen.
Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal can trade between themselves. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, and Leafgreen can trade between themselves. Games from list 1 cannot connect with list 2.
well firered and leafgreen have SOME different Pokemon so you can get those Pokemon from leafgreen. so here is the site that list the different Pokemon. just scroll down to the chart...
You can get a full list with pics at
To release Pokemon on Pokemon FireRed, you first must deposit the Pokemon you want to release in the computer. Then, click 'Withdraw' (this can work with 'move' too, if it is available). When you press A on a Pokemon, look at the list and you should see a 'Release' option. Choose the release option, and it will ask you if you want to release the pokemon, and if you say yes, you release the pokemon.
Try bulbapedia, just look up a route on the site, and it will list all of the trainers and Pokemon on the route you looked up.
All I know is you people need to stop asking this question but the best starter is bulbasaur
The following list of pokemon are catchable or obtainable in Pokemon Firered: Ekans Arbok Oddish Gloom Vileplume Psyduck Golduck Growlithe Arcanine Shellder Cloyster Scyther Electabuzz Bellossom Wooper Quagsire Murkrow Qwilfish Scizor Delibird Skarmory Elekid Deoxys (Attack Forme)* *Deoxys is an Event pokemon that can only be obtained with cheat codes and it has three forms, Attack, Defense, and Speed. The attack forme is exclusive to Firered.
Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal can trade between themselves. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Firered, and Leafgreen can trade between themselves. Games from list 1 cannot connect with list 2.
nope!you can't complete it you have to have cheats or firered,leafgreen,sappeir,emaral
u cant, fire red and leaf green are re-make of the first three games (red, blue and yellow version). so any Pokemon past the first 151 in the total list is not possible (there are some glich Pokemon that are not on the list but are possible, example missnigno.