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Q: What is a good nickname for alakazam?
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Who do you trade for a alakazam or a Pokemon that can evolve into alakazam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

to get an alakazam, you must trade a kadabra. level doesn't matter but i woul recommend 50+ so it knows some good moves.

What is a good name for alakazam?

Houdini Like Harry Houdini

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How does alakazam evolve?

Alakazam does not evolve

What are good Pokemon in FireRed?

Venasaur, Arcanine, Vaporeon, Raichu, Alakazam, Dragonite.

How do you get good Pokemon?

Catch an Abra! Alakazam is the best. Just trade kadabra to evolve it.Naahhh I don't think Alakazam is a good pokemon.I think you should get a turtwig and it evolves into a Torrtera!!Plus it grows the fastest levels

Is nan a good nickname for Hannah?

If you like 'Nan' as a nickname, then yes, it is a good nickname.

How do you get a alakazam?

First You need an Abra Evolved into Kadabra. Then You need to Trade Kadabra to a person where it will evolve to Alakazam. Then that person MUST trade Alakazam back for you to have Alakazam in Pokedex.

Which Pokemon is good to beat the third elite four at Fire Red?

Mewtwo, Alakazam(if you don't have alakazam, use kadabra) just use any psychic moves on her ghost Pokemon

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Good team for Pokemon Emerald?

Alakazam, Groudon, Rayquaza, Kyogre, Swellow, salamance.

IS cornflake a good nickname?

A good nickname for what? Sounds a bit pansy