two ghost types? nah
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I would say... Electrivire, Torterra, Lucario, Altaria, and... I don't know about drapion or spiritomb, but I'll try to get a good answer! :) Also, I have no clue for the move sets, and you should pick your Pokemon by how much you like them, not by their power levels. Advice from a seasoned Pokemon trainer. O
No, its impossible. Real Lucario & Lucario Biologist. ~Bolt the lucario
Riolu evolves into lucario and lucario doesn't evolve.
It's totally wicked!!!! If you're trying to beat the elite four you're going to awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arion: Dustox Heracross Vespiquen Beatifly Drapion Bertha: Quagsire Hippowdon Suddowoodo Golem Whiscash Flint: Rapidash Ifernape Loppuny Steelix Drifblim Lucian: Mr.Mime Medicham Alakazam Bronzong Girafarig Champion Cynthia: Spiritomb Gastradon Milotic Garchomp Lucario Roserade
The first one, Aaron has Dustox, Heracross, Vespequen, Beautifly, and Drapion. The second one, Bertha, has Quagsire, Hippowdon, Sudowoodo, Whischash, and Golem.Third is Flint, he has Rapidash, Drifblim, Infernape, Steelix, and Lopunny.Fourth is Lucian with Mr.mime, Medicham, Alakazam, Girafarig, and BronzongAlso I will include the champion whom you have to defeat directly after the elite four, Cynthia your friend has Spiritomb, Garchomp, Lucario, Gastrodon, Milotic, and Roserade.
Here are the Pokémon the Elite 4 and the Champion has in Pokémon Diamond. Aaron has Dustox, Heracross, Vespiquen, Beautifly and Drapion. Bertha has Quagsire, Hippowdon, Sudowoodo, Whiscash and Golem. Flint has Rapidash, Infernape, Steelix, Lopunny and Drifblim. Lucian has Mr. Mime, Girafarig, Medicham, Alakazam and Bronzong. Cynthia the Champion has Spiritomb, Garchomp, Gastrodon, Milotic, Roserade and Lucario.
Aaron: Beautifly Vespiquen Heracross Dustox Drapion Bertha: Hippowdon Golem Sudowoodo Quagsire Whiscash Flint: Infernape Ponyta Steelix Lopunny Drifbim Lucian Mr. Mime Girafarig Bronzong Medicham Alakazam Bonus: Cynthia's Pokemon Spiritomb Garchomp Roserade Gastrodon Lucario Milotic
Aaron is bug type. dustox beautifly heracross drapion vespiquen all around lvl 55 Bertha is ground type. golem wishcash quagsire hippowdon sudowoodo all around 55 Flint is Fire type Infernape Lopunny Steelix Rapidash Drifblim all around 57 Lucian is Psychic.. Mr. Mime Girafarig Alakazam Bronzong Medicham Cynthia Garchomp Roserade Lucario Gastrodon Spiritomb Milotic I reccommend: Torterra rampardos Gyarados Garchomp Togekiss Mothim and you should also raise a lucario as a back up
Number one: Aaron, uses bug type pokemon: Dustox, Beutifly (spelling?), Heracross, Vespiquen, Drapion Number two: Bertha, uses ground type pokemon: Quagsire, Hippodwon, Whiscash, Golem, Sudowodo Number three: Flint, uses fire, ghost, normal, and steel: Lopunny, Rapidash, Infernape, Steelix, Drifblim, Number four: Lucian, uses Psychic type Pokemon: Bronzong, Girafarig, Medicham, Alakazam, Mr. Mime Cynthia, uses a complete variaty: Spiritomb, gastrodon, Garchomp, Roserade, lucario, Milotic
yeah but you have to make at least one of the Pokemon learn ice, grass and water type move just in case your in a tough Pokemon battle.
awesome team that is
aaron has bug Pokemon dustox beutifly vespiquen heracross skorupi bertha has ground Pokemon quagsire whishcash golem hippnowodon suddowoodo flint as fire type rapidash drifblim lopuuny infernape steelix lucian as phsycic type mr mime girafarig alakazam bronzong medicham finally chmpion Cynthia as all types spirittomb garchomp gastrodon lucario milotic rosrade your Pokemon should be level 60 before going to the elite four aaron has bug Pokemon dustox beutifly vespiquen heracross skorupi bertha has ground Pokemon quagsire whishcash golem hippnowodon suddowoodo flint as fire type rapidash drifblim lopuuny infernape steelix lucian as phsycic type mr mime girafarig alakazam bronzong medicham finally chmpion Cynthia as all types spirittomb garchomp gastrodon lucario milotic rosrade your Pokemon should be level 60 before going to the elite four
First Elite Four: Aaron lv 53 Dustox, 54 Heracross, 54 Vespiqueen, 53 Beautifly, 57 Drapion Second: Bertha 55 Quagsire, 56 Hippowdon, 57 Sudowoodo, 55 Whiscash, 59 Golem Third: Flint 58 Rapidash, 61 Infernape, 57 Steelix, 57 Lopunny, 58 Drifblim Fourth: Lucian 59 Mr. Mime, 59 Girafarig, 60 Medicham, 60 Alakazam, 63 Bronzong Champion: Cynthia 61 Spiritomb, 66 Garchomp, 60 Gastrodon, 62 Milotic, 63 Roserade, 66 Lucario