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Q: What is a good Pokemon to catch at the beginning of Pokemon RubySapphireEmerald?
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What are some good flying type Pokemon that you can catch in the beginning of Pokemon tower defense 2?

You could possible find some zu-bats and if you are looking for a stronger pokemon there is a zaptos on the top floor

Good Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Pearl?

magicarp ftw

Which Pokemon can you catch with the good rod in Pokemon pearl?

Well You catch Magikarp, Goldeen, Finneon, Psyduck.

How do you make sure you catch a Pokemon on Pokemon XD?

You can't "make sure" you catch a Pokemon. If you were any good at this game you would catch Pokemon yourself, put it to sleep or something.

What do you do after you catch the good Pokemon?

use them n00b

Where is barboch in Pokemon platinum?

You can catch it almost anywhere, but you need the good rod to catch it.

How do you catch a good Water Type Pokemon on Pokemon Black and Pokemon White?

go fishing mate :)

What Pokemon catch with good rod?

Pokemon like 10 -20 only all

Is Ditto hard to catch in Pokemon Silver?

not really just use a good pokemon.

Where do you find the good rod in Pokemon sapphire?

You can use the Good Rod in Pokemon Sapphire to catch Pokemon. To get it, talk to a fisherman on Route 118.

Can you catch a feebas with a good rod in Pokemon platinum?


What is a Good way to catch Pokemon?

weaken them and then through ball