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Charizard jolteon gyrados zapdos moltres articuno it helped me beat the Pokemon league so i should help you!


This is what I would do:

1. Get Charmander from Professor Oak.

2. Get a Pidgey or Spearow. Pidgey can be found on Route 1, wheras Spearow can be found on Route 22, where you battle your rival for the second time.

3. Get a Pikachu. It can learn many electric moves which can help a lot. Pikachu can be found in Viridian Forest. Warning: It is very rare, so just keep looking for it.

4. Get a Magikarp and evolve it into Gyrados, or fish for a Drantini and evolve it into Dragonite. Magikarp can be caught on an Old Rod in any body of water, but the easiest way to get one is to talk to the man in the Pokemon Center before going into Mt. Moon. Catch a Drantini with a Super Rod on Route 22 or in the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City.

5. If you didnt get Magikarp or if Magikarp was too hard to train, get an Eevee and evolve it into Vaporeon using a Water Stone. Water Stone can be found in the Celadon Dept. Store, and an Eevee can be found on the top floor of the Celadon Game Freak place. Look up "how to get eevee on pokemon firered" if you get confused.

6. Get an Abra. Once you have it, it will only know teleport, but once you eveolve it into Kadabra, it will learn Kinesis and Psybeam and stuff. Evolve Kadabra by link trading.

Hope This Helped!

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