Walkie Talkie(right half): CXCQ-S9NP
Elemagica holiday(right half): CR3R-CMF9
Nintendo DSI: ZCQX-7ZWW
I hope these work for you.....
this is the code that im gonna tell you umm i just have to think of it try this code here i go im gonna tell u but promise not to tell anyone because then they will get it so here we go the code is 33e-tr5
Crazy Vice Lord Lick is 2212.
you lick my buns
and i quote"You lick it"
You can use the cheat boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then Shift lick on the sim you want to age and click "Set to Birthday" then you click on the sim and hit grow up. they will proceed into the next stage of life.
what is a code for a lick a prize wii paddlepop sticks
The "hard to find" (rare) sticks in the streets lick-a-prize competition, 2010 are: Scooter - Right Side of it (Th) Super Soaker - Right Side of it (Er) Elemagika Adventure Holiday - Middle of it Vortex Howler - Front of it (WI) Walkie Talkie - Front Of it (Fi) You Can also win a instant free paddle pop! good luck :)
Hi I do not now a code
for 2010 dsi K3F2-TRD6 front of scooter ERAA-D5P3
the answer is for the kinect for both is HUGYJ123 . ygyg989
no clue but i know instant paddle pop code apx-9u8
Aahahaa well okay super soaker - WAT stick is extremely common, ER stick is rare Walkie Talkie - FI stick is rare, RE stick is common Vortex howler WI stick is rare, ND stick is common Scooter - EAR stick is common ,TH stick is rare Elemagika - THE MIDDLE ONE IS RARE!
ok the left half of the holiday is ZYSP-YANR bt that ill im gonna tell you you have to find the others out
well sorry i only have the sides they are 6H7K-RQ6W and XPXG-FESF i hope it helped