Chimecho is a Pokemon. If you watch Pokemon on TV, you might see James from Team Rocket. He has a Chimecho so be on the lookout.
Chimecho is unable to evolve as of Pokemon X and Y. Chimecho does evolve from a Pokemon called Chingling when it's at max happiness and during night time.
you can't
The trainer with Chimecho in Pokemon Emerald is located on Victory Road. When you go to Victory Road there will be two psychics that you will fight. After you fight them one of them will give you Chimecho.
You must evolve Chingling.
Chimecho is a Psychic type pokemon.
chimecho is the pokemon that evolves from chingling.
Chimecho is unable to evolve as of Pokemon X and Y. Chimecho does evolve from a Pokemon called Chingling when it's at max happiness and during night time.
Chimecho is #358 in the national pokedex, and it is a Psychic type Pokemon.
The Pokemon is chimecho
You do not need a Pokemon with the move Sweet Scent to catch a Chimecho. Chimecho is a Pokemon that is hard to find in the areas it does appear in.
you can't
AnswerNumber 358 is Chimecho i unfortunately do not know where to catch this Pokemon >_