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You must evolve Chingling.

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Q: Where can you catch a Chimecho in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where is Chimecho in Pokemon Diamond?

Catch chingling in Mt. Cornet. then evolve when happy at night

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Do you need a pokemon that knows sweetsent to catch a chimencho?

You do not need a Pokemon with the move Sweet Scent to catch a Chimecho. Chimecho is a Pokemon that is hard to find in the areas it does appear in.

How do you catch Chimecho in Pokemon Firered?

you can't

Is there a trainer with a chimecho in Pokemon diamond?

yes []

In Pokemon emerald's pokedex what Pokemon is number is358?

AnswerNumber 358 is Chimecho i unfortunately do not know where to catch this Pokemon >_

Where do you find chimecho in pokemon diamond?

Chimeco is a fourth generation Pokemon. In the game Pokemon Diamond it can be found in the wild in Sendoff Springs and at Mt. Coronet.

Where is chimecho in diamond?

its in mt coronet, in the top very near the place where you may catch dialga

How do you get chimecho in Pokemon Emerald?

Chimecho can be found off in Sendoff Spring and floors 5-7 of Mt Coronet.

Can Pokémon can you catch in Pokémon diamond?

yes, you can catch Pokemon in Pokemon diamond

How do you catch celibi on pokemon diamond?

You cannot catch Celebi in Pokemon Diamond.

What type of Pokemon is chimecho?

Chimecho is a Psychic type pokemon.