A "Blitz" Chao is a Two-Tone White Chao. You can get this Chao by breeding a White Mono-Tone with a Normal Chao.
Your chao will age faster if you spend more time in the Chao Garden with your chao.
If you breed a gold and silver chao, you can get * a Gold chao * a Silver chao * a Gold chao with silver highlights * Or a Silver chao with gold highlights If you didn't get any of these, somethings wrong with your gamecube/dreamcast
Either get a two tone grey chao and make him a shadow chao or a two tone blue or sky blue chao and make either of them a shadow chao or a two tone black chao.
There is no chao in generations.....
Your Chao is ready to mate. If another Chao walks close enough to the Chao surrounded by flowers, they will lay a Chao egg together. You can facilitate the process by placing a Chao inside the ring yourself. Note that babies and Chao that have mated recently will not do anything when placed inside the ring of flowers.
It isn't called a "Blitz" Chao. It is a Two-Tone White, all you need to do is get a White Mono-Tone Chao and breed it with any Chao that isn't Mono-Tone, nor Two-Tone. After it hatches, it will look like a normal Chao. Give it Dark Fruit and it will look different. This applys with Nuetral, but isn't recommended with Hero Chao. Why must people call it a "Blitz" Chao? It isn't the correct term, and I find it very child-ish. But, it is the way it is called, and I cannot change that.
why did we have the blitz
You'd have four different options: * A gold chao * A silver chao * a gold chao with silver highlights * a silver chao with gold highlights
In polastrait you must help a penguin in bridge of 2nd ice wall of polastraits and the penguin say you must help his friend at the thin ice his friend is shy guy and white chao help it with you must tap or hold button A to help him and you go to the penguin again to get the Blitz Skeleton
Your chao will age faster if you spend more time in the Chao Garden with your chao.
Chao CAN mate with each other.Ok,so one of your Chao has flowers blooming around it.In order to make a Chao mate with the Chao that has flowers blooming around it,you need to put another Chao next to the Chao that is ready to breed.Sometimes,a Chao might not like the Chao mating so then it goes away.Or you might be trying to breed a Child Chao with a Baby Chao.Baby Chao cannot breed with others.Only Child Chao with Child Chao.And the last reason why you can't mate your Chao is probably because you are trying to breed a Child Chao with a Chaos Chao.Chaos Chao cannot breed.Sometimes a Chao is already near the Chao mating.So if it likes the mating Chao,it will walk up to it and they will breed.
He would either become a "Death" Chao or a "Life" Chao With Unlocks you a Grave yard Chao Garden of a Heaven Chao Garden with is amazingly Fun :)
ok yes they can unless they are a chaos chao. they are incapeable of mating. as long as the chao is a REAL non imortal chao then they will mate (tails chao= cant mate knux chao= cant mate Amy chao=cant mate!) these are nearly inpossible if they are imortal
Mate a white chao with a normal chao. You know its a blitz chao when you: Pet it with a dark character and instead of red and black, it is white and black. Or: When you pet it with a hero character, instead of yellow, white, and blue, you get a blue and white, with no yellow.
Wesley Chao goes by Wes Chao.
You can get Chao papercrafts on a website called Chao Laboratory
it can be a chaos chao