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There is no chao in generations.....

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Q: Can you raise chao's in sonic generations?
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In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle how can you win races?

Raise your chaos stats high

How do you get a legendary Chaos chao?

You have to raise it in Sonic DX and give it all the small animals.

How do you get chaos emeralds in sonic generations for Xbox360 or PS3?

You can get chaos emeralds by defeating bosses. There are rival bosses and there are the actual bosses.Here is a list of the rivals and the bosses and which sonic you use. Rival Metal Sonic- Classic Sonic Shadow the Hedgehog- Modern Sonic Silver the Hedgehog- Modern Sonic Boss Egg Death Robot- Classic Sonic Perfect Chaos- Modern Sonic Egg Dragoon- Modern Sonic I know that you verse Silver the Hedgehog in Crisis City from Sonic '06 and the Egg Dragoon Eggmanland from Sonic Unleashed.

When did Sonic Chaos happen?

Sonic Chaos happened in 1993.

Has sonic ever been beat in a race?

If beating himself counts, then yes. In Sonic Generations, the older version of Sonic got to the red chaos emerald first, beating the past version of himself in the race.

How do you get super sonic in the bosses in sonic generations?

When you collect all seven Chaos Emeralds from the bosses and rivals. After you collect all the emeralds modern sonic and classic sonic become super sonic in the last boss against Dr. Robotnik and Dr. Eggman.

How do you get costumes in Sonic Generations?

There are no costumes in Sonic Generations.

Who is Perfect Chaos in Sonic games?

In Sonic Adventure, Perfect Chaos is the Chaos Creature when it has its tail and the 7 chaos emeralds.

Which is better- Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 or Sonic generations?

sonic generations,or both!

When was Sonic Chaos created?

Sonic Chaos was created on 1993-10-25.

Would Sonic unleashed be better then Sonic generations or is Sonic generations better then Sonic unleashed?


When did Sonic Generations happen?

Sonic Generations happened in 2011.