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Q: What is a Vocabulary word from sign of the beaver that begins with x?
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In the sign of the sign beaver what does the word sign mean?

well, it means the beaver calling like you can feel the sign of beaver

What is the meaning of nda in the sign of the beaver?

In the book The Sign Of The Beaver. "Nda" is the Indian word for No.

What word did Matt skip in the Sign of the Beaver?

he skiped the curse word and attean was very mad .

What teaching words begin with the letter V?

Vocabulary is a teaching word. It begins with the letter v.

What does the word chakwa mean in sign of the beaver?

In the novel "Sign of the Beaver" by Elizabeth George Speare, the word "chakwa" is used to refer to a swamp potato or wild potato that the characters find and eat in the wilderness. It is a Native American word used in the story.

What does medabe mean in sign of the beaver?

In "Sign of the Beaver," "Medabe" is a Native American word meaning grandmother or elder woman. It is used to refer to Matt's grandmother in the story.

In Sign of the Beaver what is a word that starts with V?

Some words beginning with V from Signs of the Beaver:VenturingVerily

What is an antonym for the word vocabulary?

What is an antonym for the word vocabulary

What is vocabulary word of blending?

what is vocabulary word of blending?

What is the difference between vocabulary and vocabularies?

Vocabulary mean one vocabulary word. Vocabularies is more than one vocabulary word.

What is difference between vocabulary and word?

a word is one part of a vocabulary. vocabulary is all the words in a language.

What does the Indian word nkweniss mean in The Sign of the Beaver?

"nkweniss" is not an Indian word in The Sign of the Beaver. It seems to be a typo or an error. The book is set in Maine among the Penobscot Indians, so if you provide the correct term, I can help you with its meaning.