begins and ends at the same point
No country begins with N and ends with N.
A closed figure, like a circle or triangle, begins and ends at the same point.
Rodeo riding is a sport. It begins with R and ends with G.
A word that begins and ends with E and has only 1 letter in between is EYE. Begins and ends with E and the Y is in between.
Auditing begins where Accountancy ends.
the gut begins from the mouth and ends from the rectum
begins and ends at the same point
The Scioto River begins at and ends at
The Book of Acts begins in Jerusalem and ends in Rome.
A word that begins and ends with the letters he: headache. heartache.
There is no English word that begins with K and ends in woo.
No country begins with N and ends with N.
Development begins before birth and ends generally ends at the age of twenty-five.
No word in the English language begins with U and ends with J.
Yogic is a word. It begins with y and ends with c.
A noun that begins with U and ends with D is unitard, upland, or the undead.