You will find:
Some words that can be made from the word 'feather stone' are:aaftafterantareartasasteratateatoneeareartheasteasterneateonentreatesteretherfanfastfasterfatfatefatherfearfeatfeastfeetfesterfetefoefontforefortforteforthfosterfreefretfrofrontfrostfrothhaharehashastehathatehathhehearhearseheartheatheaterheathhoarhoehonehornhornethorsehosehosthothotteroafoaroatoathofoftoftenohononeororeothersafeseasearseatseenseersoarsofasoftsonsoresortsneerstarstarestartsteerstonestorestreettantartaretartteatearteaseteenteethtententtenthtetherthanthatthetheatertheethentherethermthesethornthosethreethreatthroatthronetotoetontonetoretorntorttortetreattree
How many words can you find in the word capillaries
This is a list of possible words made from the word gingerbread, also known as anagrams:aabridgeadageagingangeraridbadbadgerbanbandbanebarbargebarnbeadbeardbedbeebeenbeerbebeingbergbinbindbierbingebirdbradbragbraidbrainbreadbredbreedbridebridgebrinebringdabdangerdeardeerdendigdindinedinerdirgedraindrageagerearearnededgeeraerrgabgadgaggainganggardengearGerbergigginGingergrabgradgradegraingrangeideaininbredireragrageraidrainrangrangerangerrarereadReadingrearredreedreinrenderridridgerigrindringringer
There are 8words in therein.There'sthethereherhereininhereere
The words that I can get from the word 'caught' are:aactahataughtcatchatchugcutguthahaghathughuttagthugtugughUtah
Vocabulary refers to the entire set of words known and used by a person, while a word is a single unit of language that carries meaning. In other words, vocabulary is the collection of words a person knows, and a word is one element within that collection.
your mum's vocabulary (: Love , Shazeel Can i actually get an answer??
Yes, but reading vocabulary will not help with pronunciation. If you find a new word and want to be able to use it verbally, you will need to hear it because English words often don't sound like they are spelled.
This must pertain to your particular vocabulary word list in your homework assignment. No one else can see the list, and no one should be doing your homework for you.
Any word is part of a vocabulary. It is the correct use of those words in making yourself understood. A person who has a large vocabulary to mind, is one who can use lots of different words with their correct meaning.
Word collocation . . . Brainstorm about words that go with a vocabulary word or Write a sentence with a vocabulary word in it. Word association . . . Connect a vocabulary word with your personal experience or Come up with words related to a vocabulary word. Word picturing . . . Come up with an image to help you remember the meaning of a word or Think of a visual to help you remember the meaning of a word.
"Vocabulary" is the singular form of the word, referring to the set of words known and used by a person or in a language. "Vocabularies" is the plural form, used when referring to more than one set of words known and used by different people or in different languages.
words that sound like the word.
brainstorm about words that go with a vocabulary word.
This word is used in schools for the study of words that you should know or learn. Vocabulary is the collection of words that you use on a daily basis. A large vocabulary is valuable in understanding oral and written communication.
You look up the meaning of your vocabulary in a dictionary, or in the glossary of your textbook. These places are where words are defined. You can also find dictionaries online. If you don't have one bookmarked, just go to and type the vocabulary word into the search box.
Play the game words and make a chain with last character of that word