

Best Answer

Some words that can be made from the word 'feather stone' are:

  1. a
  2. aft
  3. after
  4. ant
  5. are
  6. art
  7. as
  8. aster
  9. at
  10. ate
  11. atone
  12. ear
  13. earth
  14. east
  15. eastern
  16. eat
  17. eon
  18. entreat
  19. ester
  20. ether
  21. fan
  22. fast
  23. faster
  24. fat
  25. fate
  26. father
  27. fear
  28. feat
  29. feast
  30. feet
  31. fester
  32. fete
  33. foe
  34. font
  35. fore
  36. fort
  37. forte
  38. forth
  39. foster
  40. free
  41. fret
  42. fro
  43. front
  44. frost
  45. froth
  46. ha
  47. hare
  48. has
  49. haste
  50. hat
  51. hate
  52. hath
  53. he
  54. hear
  55. hearse
  56. heart
  57. heat
  58. heater
  59. heath
  60. hoar
  61. hoe
  62. hone
  63. horn
  64. hornet
  65. horse
  66. hose
  67. host
  68. hot
  69. hotter
  70. oaf
  71. oar
  72. oat
  73. oath
  74. of
  75. oft
  76. often
  77. oh
  78. on
  79. one
  80. or
  81. ore
  82. other
  83. safe
  84. sea
  85. sear
  86. seat
  87. seen
  88. seer
  89. soar
  90. sofa
  91. soft
  92. son
  93. sore
  94. sort
  95. sneer
  96. star
  97. stare
  98. start
  99. steer
  100. stone
  101. store
  102. street
  103. tan
  104. tar
  105. tare
  106. tart
  107. tea
  108. tear
  109. tease
  110. teen
  111. teeth
  112. ten
  113. tent
  114. tenth
  115. tether
  116. than
  117. that
  118. the
  119. theater
  120. thee
  121. then
  122. there
  123. therm
  124. these
  125. thorn
  126. those
  127. three
  128. threat
  129. throat
  130. throne
  131. to
  132. toe
  133. ton
  134. tone
  135. tore
  136. torn
  137. tort
  138. torte
  139. treat
  140. tree
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