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the global trade station

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Q: What is a GTS in Pokemon?
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Related questions

What pokemon can you get in the GTS?

Any Pokemon that isn't an event Pokemon can be traded on the GTS.

Is it possible to trade a Pokemon you got on the GTS for a different Pokemon on the GTS?


Were is the gts in Pokemon white 2?

Gts is in the top right hand of the pokemon center

What do you have to do for the GTS in Pokemon SoulSilver?

go to Goldenrod city, the gts is in there.

How do you trade on gts plus?

i need to know how to trade Pokemon on gts after i put Pokemon the offering Pokemon and the Pokemon i wanted but i still cant trade with the Pokemon

How do you know when a Pokemon GTS offer has been accepted?

When you check your GTS staus, you receive a traded Pokemon.

How do you get your GTS Pokemon out in Pokemon pearl or diamond?

if you put one in offer in the gts you cannot get it back . SORRY!

Is Pokemon gts free?

Be more specific first? Pokemon GTS Free? Free Pokemon? Free payments? just what do you mean by that?

How can you make Pokemon shiny on Pokemon gts us?

The only way to get a shiny pokemon is if you find it as shiny. Shiny pokemon are sometimes up for trade on the GTS, but not always.

How do you clone Pokemon without action replay?

put a Pokemon in the gts and when its being sent turn the game off and you should have the Pokemon in the party and the gts

Is there a GTS in Pokemon Black and White?

Yes, there is a GTS in Pokemon Black and White. It is up in the Pokemon Center and you can access it once you get the first badge as always.

Why is certain Pokemon like Mew missing on the GTS list and how do you get her there?

the Pokemon on the gts list are the ones that you have seen, you have to see a mew to get it on there