If your asking about the name Pokemon:
Pocket Monsters
Pokemon is Pokemon because poke is short for pocket and mon is short for monsters ~ Actually, Pokemon is the japanese word for Pocket Monsters.
...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.
Pokemon is short for "Pocket Monsters"
Ash is short for Asher. I thought the same thing too for a while.
It's short for "pocket monsters."
No, there is no short cut to the Pokemon league building in Pokemon pearl.
Pokemon is Pokemon because poke is short for pocket and mon is short for monsters ~ Actually, Pokemon is the japanese word for Pocket Monsters.
Pokemon is short for pocket monsters
no such thing.
Most likely.
shipping is short for relationshipping. and advanceshipping is the couple May and Ash on Pokemon shipping is short for relationshipping. and advanceshipping is the couple May and Ash on Pokemon
It's short after Striaton City
The short answer is no. There is no Dive, HM 08, in Pokemon FireRed.
...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.
Nop yoou