1 stick at the bottom middle of the crafting table when entered above the stick put 2 obsidian ingot 'directly' above it and on both sides of the obsidian put iron ingots. And there you go!
Twilight sword
It makes the sword stronger against undead foes
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
Enchanted with 999999999 sharpness on a diamond sword. This is possible with plugins.
yea minecraft
Twilight sword
It makes the sword stronger against undead foes
You can make a diamond sword in Minecraft by placing two diamonds above a stick in the crafting table.
You make the sword, then you go to a mob, then you can get meat or anything that it drops!
There's no such thing as an obsidian sword unless you have mods installed.
Enchanted with 999999999 sharpness on a diamond sword. This is possible with plugins.
with a diamond sword
You can't. But with resource packs or mods you can.
You need the Aether mod.