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Q: How much damage does a diamond sword do in minecraft?
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What does sharpness mean in minecraft?

Sharpness is an enchantment applied to swords. It increases the amount of damage done by a sword, and with a diamond sword at sharpness V it can pretty much kill an unarmored player in one hit.

What do anvils do in Minecraft?

You can use them to repair weapons and tools by combining two of the same item in them, doing this also enables you to carry over or combine enchantments of the items. For example, if you combine a diamond sword of Smite I and a diamond sword of Fire Aspect II you will receive a single diamond sword of both Smite I and Fire Aspect II (if both swords have a damage value the damage value of the resulting sword will be increased). You can also change the name of weapons and tools from their original name. However all of these services cost you enchantment levels, so make sure you have enough levels to carry out the tasks. Since Anvils are affected by gravity and will fall if no block is beneath them - much like sand and gravel - you can use them as a weapon by wiring up a simple piston trap, for example, and dropping them on the heads of unsuspecting mobs or players, if on a PvP server. However, dropping an anvil will cause them damage (which is shown by cracks on the anvil, the larger the cracks the more damage has been dealt to it) and will be destroyed completely if the damage becomes too much, it will not drop as an item you can pick up.

Does an arrow do more damage than a fist in minecraft?

Yes. Pretty much EVERYTHING does more damage than the fist.

How much does it take to destroy diamond equipment on minecraft?

you will need an Iron pick axe, stone or wooden pick axes do not work.

Minecraft-How much Diamond's do you need to get all armour and tools?

35 but make it 32 because a diamond hoe is useless

Related questions

What does sharpness mean in minecraft?

Sharpness is an enchantment applied to swords. It increases the amount of damage done by a sword, and with a diamond sword at sharpness V it can pretty much kill an unarmored player in one hit.

Can you use a strength potion to add to how much damage you do to get the overkill achievement in minecraft?

No, well, I don't think so. The achievement says to kill it with one shot with a sword, so I guess not. It's easy though. Just get a diamond sword, enchant it to a really high level, and kill a mob with it.

How much diamond is there in Minecraft?

It depends on the seed you are using... there is not a specific amount diamonds in Minecraft.

What do anvils do in Minecraft?

You can use them to repair weapons and tools by combining two of the same item in them, doing this also enables you to carry over or combine enchantments of the items. For example, if you combine a diamond sword of Smite I and a diamond sword of Fire Aspect II you will receive a single diamond sword of both Smite I and Fire Aspect II (if both swords have a damage value the damage value of the resulting sword will be increased). You can also change the name of weapons and tools from their original name. However all of these services cost you enchantment levels, so make sure you have enough levels to carry out the tasks. Since Anvils are affected by gravity and will fall if no block is beneath them - much like sand and gravel - you can use them as a weapon by wiring up a simple piston trap, for example, and dropping them on the heads of unsuspecting mobs or players, if on a PvP server. However, dropping an anvil will cause them damage (which is shown by cracks on the anvil, the larger the cracks the more damage has been dealt to it) and will be destroyed completely if the damage becomes too much, it will not drop as an item you can pick up.

How much damage does a death knight sword do in dragonfable?

depending on your level best damage is 50-80

Why can't you make sword out of diamond?

Diamonds may be the hardest natural substance known to man but it is not that strong. If you hit a diamond with a hammer the diamond will break. Not a very effective weapon if the other person is carrying a sword. Then you have to take into account that you would need a diamond big enough to make the sword.People have found industrial diamonds big enough for a dagger or short sword, but a one hand or long sword? No! Also, the melting point of diamond is so high, it is not really possible to soften it enough to actually make the sword.If some one slashed at you with a steel sword, and you parried with the diamond sword, the results would be a steel sword with a 1 inch nick/dent in it, and a bunch of diamond dust. You could make a steel sword and serrate the edge with sharpened diamonds. It would be cool looking, sharp, and strong. It would still cost a fortune, but much less then a sword made completely of diamond.Another AnswerFlaws in industrial diamonds make them much easier to break apart, and much harder to fabricate in single forms.Making a sword out of diamond is impractical, if you intend to use the sword as a weapon.

Does an arrow do more damage than a fist in minecraft?

Yes. Pretty much EVERYTHING does more damage than the fist.

What are all the materials in Minecraft?

There are TONS of items and materials on minecraft! It is too much to type it all. There is bedrock, diamond, redstone, coal, wood, glass ect;

How much did a loaf of bread cost in October 10 1960?

50 cents, but in minecraft 3 diamond blocks or 3 wheat...

How much does it take to destroy diamond equipment on minecraft?

you will need an Iron pick axe, stone or wooden pick axes do not work.

How much does it cost to get diamond insurance?

It depends on the diamond size and value, and how much you're willing to spend. Diamond is the strongest compound on earth so it's unlikely to get scratched or damaged. You can insure the jewelry against theft or loss, or damage to the band. This insurance is offered at the jewelery store you bought the diamond at.

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