#478 is Froslass
To get one, you need to give a female Snorunt a dawn stone.
diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
Oddish is the 43rd Pokemon.
Well, since there is no number 117 in the local pokedex in Pokemon Diamond, we have to look into the national pokedex. In the national pokedex, number 117 is Seadra. Number 117 in the Sinnoh Pokedex is Wooper, can be found in the great marsh or on route 212
Number 478 is Froslass
#477- Dusknoir (ghost)#478- Froslass (ice-ghost)
No, there is not a Pokedex after the National Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond Version.
Froslass is #478 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ice-Ghost type Pokemon.
diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
Oddish is the 43rd Pokemon.
in the national pokedex it is mackoke. if it is in the sinnoh pokedex it is buneary.
Number 33 is Golem on the Sinnoh Pokedex.
In the Sinnoh Pokedex Number 114 is Mantine. In the National Pokedex its Kabutops.
Well, since there is no number 117 in the local pokedex in Pokemon Diamond, we have to look into the national pokedex. In the national pokedex, number 117 is Seadra. Number 117 in the Sinnoh Pokedex is Wooper, can be found in the great marsh or on route 212