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Oddish is the 43rd Pokemon.

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Q: What is number 43 in the pokedex on Pokemon Diamond on Pokemon Diamond?
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#43 in the Johto Pokedex is Igglybuff.

What is the national pokedex number for Oddish?

Oddish is #43 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.

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The Pokemon That's Number 43 On The Pokedex in Ninjask (The Evolved Form Of Nincada) You Will Eventually End Up Battling One.

Where to find a flafy in HeartGold?

If by 'fluffy' you mean the Pokemon flaafy, and not some other Pokemon that is unknown to me (of which there are few), it can be found in the following places at the following levels: Route 42 -- Levels 15 +17 Route 43 -- Levels 15, 16 +17

Do any trainers in Pokemon diamond have a lumineon?

yes there is a swimmer in route past victory road that has a lumineon lvl. 43 (i know it 'cause i just battled HER(it's a her)

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43 is.43 is.43 is.43 is.

What is 135 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

number 135 in the diamond sinnoh pokedex is: Lumineon and can be found on route 223 by another trainer who has it in their party or you could catch a Finneon with the good rod by fishing in route 205 and level up Finneon so it will evolve into Lumineon. Hope this is correct ^-^ (hint from another person) the first girl you find in the water swimming back and forth her only pokemon is a lvl 43 Lumineon.

What is a prime number of 43?

It is 43.It is 43.It is 43.It is 43.

Is the number 43 an irrational number?

No, 43 is not an irrational number.

What level does ponyta learn a fire type move?

It depends on the game. In Diamond, Pearl, and Platnium Flareon doesn't learn flamethrower but learns Fire Blast at level 71. In all of the other games Flareon learns flamethrower at level 52. ---- why is their a dif between fire blast and flamethrower

What is the prime number of 43?

43 is a prime number.

What is the prime number for 43?

43 is a prime number.