I found 8/10 princess- could anyone who finds out add it on? Please don't change the format I like it like that (hey, windows down, chillin' with the radio on) jk but please don't change the format... Thanks
1.) Power Princess- Mask, Hat, Bow2.) Confident Princess- Bottle, Button, Mushroom
3.) Friendly Princess- Bow, Hat, Apple
4.) Sweet Princess- Clock, Herb, Feather
5.) Nature Princess- Hat, Bow, Shell
6.) Happy Princess- Crown, Herb, Butterfly
7.) Lovestruck Princess- Necklace, Bottle, Mushroom
8.) Brainy Princess- Shell, Hat, Mask
9.) Mysterious Princess- Button,Heart,Necklace
10.) Pet Princess- Button, Heart, Shoes
First you need to have spoken to all the people in the building, and gathered the necessary ingredients from the dead creature and the store room. Next you need to camp by the fireplace, then you can click on the potion icon to bring up the alchemy screen. You should automatically place the ingredients by clicking on Potion for Triss, then just rest for one hour to create the potion.
First you need to combine a regular water bottle with a Nether Wart to make an Awkward Potion. Then combine the Awkward Potion with a Glistering Melon to make Potion of Healing. The full brewing chart can be found below.
You follow the directions in the game to make cupcakes and then you will get some moshlings. You can make different cupcakes to get different moshlings. Each moshling in the cupcake game has one or two ingredients which help to attract that moshling. If you want to get different moshlings, you need to try different ingredients in the game.
To get a Potion of Harming in Minecraft: Brew Awkward Potions: Use Nether Wart on Water Bottles in a Brewing Stand. Brew Potion of Poison: Add a Spider Eye to the Awkward Potions. Brew Potion of Harming: Add a Fermented Spider Eye to the Potions of Poison. For an improved version, add Glowstone Dust to make Potion of Harming II or Gunpowder to make it a Splash Potion of Harming.
use the night visio potion with the water botle and there you go.
power princess - heart, bottle, flower
First you need to have spoken to all the people in the building, and gathered the necessary ingredients from the dead creature and the store room. Next you need to camp by the fireplace, then you can click on the potion icon to bring up the alchemy screen. You should automatically place the ingredients by clicking on Potion for Triss, then just rest for one hour to create the potion.
To fill up a potion bottle in Wizard101, you will first need to have the necessary ingredients for the potion you wish to make. Once you have the ingredients, go to a cauldron or potion-making station and follow the recipe to mix the ingredients together. Finally, transfer the finished potion into a potion bottle to complete the process.
You need to put in the Mushroom, the Heart, and the Bottle.
You can find it in the Wizard's tent of the Medivial Tent. You need ingredients though...
Use roots or just pick up materials needed and go to an NPC (the Apothecary) so you can have them make it for you. Go to the Apothecary in Varrock once you have all the ingredients. You may also mix the potion yourself provided that you have the correct ingredients.
To finish the potion mix in the game "Winx Club: Do You Believix," you need to combine 1 part green dust, 2 parts blue dust, and 1 part pink essence. This means you would use a ratio of 1:2:1 for the three ingredients. Measure out the specified amounts of each ingredient and mix them together thoroughly to complete the potion. Pay attention to the proportions to ensure the potion turns out correctly in the game.
You first need to find or buy Flasks (three uses) or Gourds (four uses). Equip them to your potion slots. Next you need them to be filled - speak to the potion seller in Castle Black or the potion merchant in King's Landing.
the ingredients are carbanated cocunut milk from the man on the first page,the old bone and the key ingredent plus u need to get the grass skirt to talk to the medacin man! that is beckys answer to your question!
Well first off you should check the minecraft wiki. Second of all it's rather simple, first you need to craft bottles and fill them with water. Then you get put them in one of the three bottom slots. You will need to then put the ingredients on the top slot of the brewery to make a potion. You need to find specific potion you want and then receive the ingredients for it to craft it. Minecraft Wiki has more information on it.
yes you can but you will need. luna moth wings, and chauruss eggs
Shrivalfig can be found in the owlery. The easiest way to find it is to click on harry and go to the potion bottle, click on ingredients and click on any ingredient you need and the map will guide you to that ingredient