i killed it to i killed it because it was un supected so i had to kill it but the only way to get a legendary Pokemon back is if u beat the elite four again and all the legendary Pokemon that u killed will be maxed revied
No just save it before you attack and turn it off if it faints
If Moltres,Zapdos or articuno runs away you need to use action replay to get them back
you're screwed
It will appear in Mt. Silver cave.
Kill the police man
You find Moltres in Mt. Silver.
In Mt. Silver.
you go to MT silver and in one of the caves is moltres.
Level 50.
In Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Moltres is in Victory Road. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Heart Gold and Soul Silver Moltres is in Mount Silver.
yes moltres is standing in Pokemon soul silver it can be found in victory road
Moltres is in the room in Mt. Silver that is furthest in the back of the first room. You need surf, waterfall, and rock climb.
You have to go through Mt. Silver. It would be in a little cave.
all you have to do is go to mt.silver you need surf and waterfall and there is a cave go in it and then there is moltres
Zapdos=Power plant Moltres=Mt.Silver Articuno=Seafoam islands
It's called Mount Silver and you can battle Trainer Red and capture Moltres there.