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Q: What hm can you use after you beat crasher wake?
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How do you get the 5th HM move in diamond?

If you are talking about Defog(HM05), then you will have to beat Crasher Wake first in order to use it outside of battle. It is somewhere in the Great Marsh. In Platinum, it's Fantina, and after you beat her, you can use Surf.

How do you get the hm move surf?

You have to go to pastoria city and defeat the gym leader crasher wake in a poke'mon battle then he would give you the HM surf.

How do you go in local lake in Pokemon diamond?

Beat the gym leader Crasher Wake (gym number 5 I believe) and teach the HM "surf" to a aquatic pokemon. Then, simply "talk to the water" to go in it.

What badge lets you use surf in Pokemon pearl?

You don't receive Surf. I think you find the HM. Anyway, to use Surf, you need to beat Crasher Wake from Pastoria City. <<<<<< what a lie first of all you get it from cynthias grandmother in celestic town and if you beat crasher wake you can use defog not surf :P beat fantina first in hearthome city to use surf

Where is the hm surf on diamond?

after you defeat crasher wake you go to the celestic town and you give the old charm that cinthya gave you to her grandmother and then go into the celestic ruins and click on the pattern at the back then the grandmother will come and give you HM 06 surf

When do you get defog?

When you beat Pastoria's Gym Leader Wake, go to the great marsh and speak to the person on the right to get the HM.

Where do you get HM 05 in Pokemon diamond?

first u have beat pastoria's gym leader then wake into the great marsh will find a person on the right he will give you hm 5 (defog)

What hm can you use after you have beat the third gym?


Which Gym will allow you to use the hm Strength in Pokemon Pearl?

Let me name: Roark-Rock smash Gardenia-cut Maylene-Fly Crasher Wake-defog Fantina-surf Byron-strength Candice-Rock climb Volkner-waterfall This is my list so you can figure out. Empoleon

What hm can you use when you beat fantina on Pokemon platinum?


What hm's can you use for certain gym leaders on pearl?

u get to use certain HM's once u beat the gym leaders

What hmcan you use when you beat fantina in Pokemon platinum?

hm defog