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If you shoo away your cat, it will run away and you'll need to get another from Gertrude.

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Q: What happens when you shoo away your cat on runescape?
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In runescape for cats what happens if you press shoo away?

Your cat will run away and you'll have to get another cat from Gertrude.

What part of speech is shoo?

Shoo is an interjection when used on its own. "Shoo!" Shoo can be used as a verb in a sentence. "She shooed the annoying cat away."

What happens if your cat dies on RuneScape?

If your cat is killed in a fight you lose it and you can get a new one for Gertrude for 100 coins. The new cat will be a kittes so you will have to wait for it to grow to become a cat again.

How do you get a cat on RuneScape?

You get a cat from the quest "Gertrude's Cat" and you can buy a cat after you complete it.

RuneScape where do you get a cat?

Cats are rewards from the "Gertrude's Cat" quest. ( Members )

How do you get a wily cat on runescape?

you need to be a member first of all to get a cat

How do you change a kitten into a cat on runescape?

Time. Just wait, it'll turn into a cat.

Will a pet dog sit in a cat basket on runescape?

Nope, since it is strictly a "Cat Basket".

On RuneScape what soes it mean when your cat meows?

Ut's just a thing runescape doesto make it sound reaistic.

What happens when your cat almost dies during the rat catcher quest on runescape he's missing?

If it didn't die just log out and back in, should be back with you. If it does not reappear then it died.

What is the use of stray dogs in runescape?

The Stray Dogs in Runescape are mostly useless, though it will give an achievement in the Varrok section of the member's achievement diary and chase your cat. You can also shoo the dog away or give it meat to make it happy. The dogs seem to hint at a future update where someone might possibly own a dog. edited by roody892:you can also give the dog a bone and he will be happy about that too edited by Chef Tommy7: Bots usually do not react well to something following them, and the dog follows you in varrock, the free world "capital of botting".

How do you get rid of a pet cat in RuneScape?

To get rid of a pet cat in runescape just simply release it. Open the pet catalog and click the release button. And when it say "Do you really want to release" say YES!! Or you can starve your cat to death.