The amulet can be regained by speaking to the Sphinx in Sophanem, while having a cat walking or in the inventory.
A Lazy cat is a Wily cat-obtainable after the Ratcatchers quest-that has not exercised enough. To turn their lazy cat back into a Wily cat, players must simply catch more rats with their cat. For a wily cat, it seems to involve about 50 rats.
Speak to estate agents in Runescape. One of them is in east varrock just opposite the altar
To get rid of a pet cat in runescape just simply release it. Open the pet catalog and click the release button. And when it say "Do you really want to release" say YES!! Or you can starve your cat to death.
If you shoo away your cat, it will run away and you'll need to get another from Gertrude.
If your cat is killed in a fight you lose it and you can get a new one for Gertrude for 100 coins. The new cat will be a kittes so you will have to wait for it to grow to become a cat again.
To get your cat to speak back to you in English you need the amulet of cat speak from Icthlarin's little helper quest. If you have lost it you need to go back to the pyramid with a cat and talk to the sphinx for another one.
Speak to the Sphinx again with a cat, to get a replacement ( sophanem )
You can't. You would have to talk to Gertrude again for a new kitten.
A Lazy cat is a Wily cat-obtainable after the Ratcatchers quest-that has not exercised enough. To turn their lazy cat back into a Wily cat, players must simply catch more rats with their cat. For a wily cat, it seems to involve about 50 rats.
You get a cat from the quest "Gertrude's Cat" and you can buy a cat after you complete it.
Cats are rewards from the "Gertrude's Cat" quest. ( Members )
you need to be a member first of all to get a cat
pretty simple just type when you are playing runescape
If it didn't die just log out and back in, should be back with you. If it does not reappear then it died.
Time. Just wait, it'll turn into a cat.
If you have a cat and have an Amulet of Catspeak you can speak to your cats and occasionally argue with them but actual fighting no. If your speaking about Summoning familiars then yes they help you fight in MULTI-combat