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it ether affects the gme to make it harder or it makes more fun like the grunt birtday party skull when you shoot a grunt in the head but all but two of the skulls make it harder so if you search this then you must like halo i would be suprised i you dont it is a great game if you want to know more then just ask me ok i know most there is to know about halo.

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Q: What happens when you get the skull on halo?
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In Halo 3 why does the first skull not count as an achievement?

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Halo 3 the IWHYBD skull was gotten and in inventory but nothing happens?

iwhbyd adds special dialogue throughout the game

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How do you claim a Halo 3 skull?

After finding a halo 3 skull, simply pick it up as you would any other weapon.

What does the fog skull do on Halo 3?

the fog skull takes away your radar. you find the skull on floodgate

What do you do once you get a skull on Halo 3?

once you get a skull in halo 3 you can co to the campain options and turn it on different skulls do different things

Is there a rainbow skull on Halo 2?

No, Halo 2 is notoriously anti-homosexual.

What skull in Halo 2 gives you overshields?

There are not skulls in Halo 2! It's just Halo 3!

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